Thursday, 11 January 2007

Jazz Guitar Lessons

After five years of self-taught discipline I have finaly sought the help of another human being in my quest to take over the world with my axe. A quick search on found me a jazz gutar teacher who lives only a three minute walk away, bonus!

Beginning with an introduction to the CAGED system - something I had previously only heard of, not practised - through some arpeggio and pick techniques and ending with a quick study of walking basslines over The Mills Brothers' 'I Can't Give You Anything But Love' it was a fast-paced first lesson.

Next up, the search for the perfect archtop... If I felt at all worthy here's what I would ideally play; The LeGrande, Gibson's take on Johnny Smith's original guitar design for Heritage in 1989.

Aside from Gibson's lovely build quality I like the idea of the floating pickup. This means the top of the guitar vibrates more freely creating a richer acoustic sound.

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